Family Participation & Communication
Open, honest, respectful and harmonious communication between families, educators and children is essential. We feel this is important in delivering high-quality, effective education and care for each child.
Please keep in touch with what is going on at the centre through reading the Curriculum Portal & App, noticeboards and our emails. Please participate in your child’s curriculum by completing curriculum input forms. We value your feedback and the unique experiences and culture of your family. Sharing this information with your child’s class will provide opportunities for your child to share their culture and create new topics for learning.
Communication between parents and educators occurs in many ways:
- OWNA Curriculum Portal and App; daily communication about what the children have learned and experienced via their online learning portfolio.
- Educational Programs are displayed within your child’s classroom and in App. These explain the activities your child has participated in and specific experiences they have enjoyed.
- Each child has learning goals and focuses which are discussed with parents and formally documented.
- Child Wellbeing Schedules communicate each child’s health and wellbeing.
- Term newsletters and notices.
- Verbal updates from educators when you pick up your child.
- Special meetings - either for the whole centre or individually if educators need to speak with you in a confidential environment.
- Phone and email - if there is anything that we want to bring to your attention immediately regarding your child, we will attempt to phone you during the day. This is particularly relevant in the case of illness or accidents.
- Special events and social functions are only successful if families get involved. These are great ways to enjoy the centre, get to know other families and celebrate your child’s learning and achievements.
Parents should notify the Centre Director in writing of any important changes or information regarding their child’s enrolment, health, attendance or schedule. Each classroom has Information Boards where important information is posted and we use OWNA to deliver our curriculum.
We review each child’s achievement against the Early Years Learning outcomes. We provide Child Reflection Reports and Kindergarten Transition Statements that document each child’s progress. Further, we arrange times to hold Parent/Educator sessions to discuss your child’s learning and development. We also have an open-door policy by which you can discuss your child’s learning and development at any time throughout the term.
Our centres have a Calendar of Events; including social functions and excursions designed to be informative and enjoyable. You will be provided a copy upon enrolment.
If at any time you would like to discuss any aspect of the centre, please arrange a meeting with the Centre Director.